Learn to surf during your summer break
Camp starts at 8:00 AM and ends at 11:00 AM
Day 1: Ocean Safety is taught, the pop up practice, and surfing with an instructor.
Days 2 ,3, and 4: surfing, surfing, and more surfing with instructor
The staff of Surfguys Surf School welcomes you to our Florida Summer Surf Camps in Cocoa Beach and Melbourne Beach since 1997. We hope to serve you this year, and welcome you to our summer surf camps for 2017.
We are in our 20th year of high quality service here in East Central Florida and the 1st partial day program. We’re one of the oldest surf schools in the area.
Surfguys Surf School is here to serve your surfing needs 365 days, weather and surf permitting.
Our highly successful teaching methods help you adjust to many conditions, and prepares you for more complete and total fun. Remember; “Always Have Fun”.™
We teach everyone from 6 years to adult.
Surf Camps are held in Cocoa Beach and Melbourne Beach for your convenience on alternating weeks because of tidal fluctuations.
Surf Camp Online Registration Form
Surfguys Surf School is proud to be the first to offer a Summer Camp Scholarships to 5 well deserving, underprivileged kids from our Central Florida community. If you or you know someone that would like to enjoy our sport, FREE of cost, please let us know in writing by mail or e-mail. Students for consideration should show how they are doing well in school and the community to qualify for this program.
We will select from the emails/letters that we receive, and all the scholars will have to do is show up. We’ll supply all necessary tools and fun, just bring all your beach essentials, and we’ll do the rest.(limit one per household)
“We reserve the right to relocate to a more favorable/teachable location to help guarantee your fun and success.
Ocean conditions and tide phases dictate our location of best choice in order to serve your requests.
Weather is not a major factor due to the early morning times of our programs, but does sometimes effect us”.
Get pictures of your surf camp experience. We have a professional photographer who can and will set you up with pics from you camp experience.